Fact, Fiction, and Blatant Lies

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Streetshore Creative

06 March 2004 - 9:29 a.m.

Trade deficit at lowest level in 50 years

Texas, 5 March 2004 — In a surprise press conference today, President Geroge W. Bush has revealed that the trade deficit, previously believed to be at all time highs is, in reality at it's lowest levels in 50 years.

"My administration has worked hard over the past three years to put together a package of economic reform that includes tax cuts for America's families, job growth programs and laws guaranteeing better corporate responsibility," Mr. Bush said.

"Over the past year we turned our attention to the trade-deficit. We are a proud, highly-skilled nation and we believe that our workers deserve to reap the benefits of their labor" the president said. "That's why I'm proud to announce that today, thanks to our efforts, the trade-deficit is all but gone."

When asked how the trade-deficit was eradicated, the president responded, "Some politicians, including one from Massachusetts would like you to believe that our economy is in trouble, that the trade-deficit is approaching the trillion dollar level. I say, how can that be possible? We delivered a billion dollars worth of smart-bombs a day during the first few months of the Iraq war. And even now we deliver several hundred thousand dollars worth of bullets and body-bags on a daily basis in the Middle East. You can't argue with the numbers."

When asked about maintaining the trade balance, Mr. Bush said, "we have plans on the table to form trade partnerships with many other countries including Syria, North Korea, and Iran. And, we're working very hard on a deal with China, where we could deliver a billion dollars an hour worth of ordinance if they'd just attack Taiwan. It's a great time to be an American"

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