Fact, Fiction, and Blatant Lies

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Streetshore Creative

11 September 2003 - 11:35 a.m.

So, I'm painting my house. I've chosen some colors that I thought would look good. I have a BFA in painting with concentrations in abstract expressionism and watercolor, so that actually means something.

I'm almost at the point of no return applying these colors to my house. It's either all the way or abandon ship. The next few hours will determine which.

The problem is this: I can't decide if I really love these colors, or if I've made a horrible, horrible mistake.

Oh well, if it sucks and people hate it, I'll just do the "it's art and you just wouldn't understand" thing.

In other news, I had a shot of Corazon Anejo tequila last night at Tortilla Flats.

If anyone wants to get me some of that for my birthday, I'd be a happy, happy boy.

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