Fact, Fiction, and Blatant Lies

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Streetshore Creative

10 September 2003 - 9:13 a.m.

Internet Joke

Customer: "I want to download the Internet. Do I need a bigger hard disk?"

To download the Internet CLICK HERE.

Found at w3schools.

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09 September 2003 - 4:02 p.m.

So, since I lost my job on July ninth, I have been sending out resumes, making calls, and answering ads.

I hadn't heard anything at all; not a call; not an interview; not a thanks-we-don't-need-you-right-now postcard; nothing, until this past Thursday.

Since Thursday, I have potentially two (paying) websites to design, a new agent (thanks Jen), I had an interview for a part-time design job at a great company in Pawtucket, and I may be up for another part-time production art job in New Bedford. I even missed one freelance job because I was busy calling everyone else back.

Holy crap! Everything really comes at once, doesn't it.

And, AND, I got a gig doing standup at The Comedy Studio on September 18th. I get to do a short set as sort of an opening act to the opening acts before the main act who is Tim McIntire, who is one of the best comedians I've ever seen.


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