Fact, Fiction, and Blatant Lies

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Streetshore Creative

21 May 2003 - 12:14 p.m.

I saw the series finale of Buffy the Vampire Slayer last night.

The movie cinema near my house showed it in one of their theaters on a big screen.

The place was filled with Buffy fans. Buffy fans are pretty unique. They tend to be smart and nerdy, but sexy people. The Buffy crowd is a little different than the Star Wars or Star Trek crowd. I think the Buffy crowd finds entertainment in the fantasy of Buffy the Vampire Slayer because they have looked at the popular cliques and rejected them, whereas the Star Wars crowd finds entertainment in the SciFi fantasies because the popular cliques have rejected them.

I don't know which I fit in better. I think I realize now that I spent far too much of my teen and college years trying to be friends with the popular kids (or, at least wondering why they didn't include me.) I found the people that I like now because the people I liked in the first place didn't like me back. Now I can look at the hoops the popular kids have to jump through to maintain their position and I think, "I'm so glad I avoided that" when, in fact, that avoided me.

Actually many of the popular kids from high school never became anything else. They still live in the town they grew up in and work in crappy jobs because their lives were good in high school, and if your life is good, why try to improve yourself? The thing is, states of being fade and they end up living in the past, like Al Bundy from Married with Children.

The people who were unpopular in high school seem to move on to greater things, mainly because they have to, because "there has to be something better than this."

And the thing is, there is!

I have done and been more since 1997 than in all of my life before that combined. I didn't go to the prom, but I got a standing ovation from a crowd of two-hundred people at the National Poetry Slam in Seattle, WA.

I don't have any trophies, but I made a grown man cry--a complete stranger just by performing words I had written.

I have produced poetry--collections of words put together in ways that have never existed before. In 8 billion lifetimes spanning 10,000 years no one anywhere has duplicated the work I've done.

Every asshole on the face of the earth has a trophy or a prom picture, but I have tasted genius.

And you know what it tastes like?


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