Fact, Fiction, and Blatant Lies

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Streetshore Creative

14 January 2003 - 5:29 p.m.

(&^% (^& (^&* ( *&%^ (&* $( #(^& ) )_ *& $ @ $ ^* &* *(^_ *(_*( %&*) %$^&# $^@^*$%# $^@%$&% %&$%# &%$ @& %$ @&%$@& %$@& $%^O &**)&)*( (%^(* @*( &*%)_#@# ^ $^&%$ ^$#@ %$@^&(& ) )*& %*& %^*(&%*& %*&%*&%* &% (&*^!!!!!!!

Blankety blank blank blank!

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14 January 2003 - 2:56 p.m.

. . . and everything froze slick and shiny like polished quartz.

Milky layers of white and blue whisper below each other reaching down, stealing the light away.

All sparkles irridescent in the near-silent peace.

The perfection of the earth's surface is improved. Valleys are buried slightly deeper than mountain ranges as miles of ice push down.

The sky is closer now, uninterrupted, glowing fearless and absolutely still.

Blue shrinks, collapses under the weight of its inherited responsibility, and fails.

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14 January 2003 - 12:44 p.m.

Sometimes, I like to put much more change in the vending machine than is necessary for the candy bar I want. I mean like $5 or $6 worth of dimes and nickels.

I then push the button for the item I want to purchase, and when all the excess coins fall down into the change slot I throw up my hands and yell, "Jackpot!"

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14 January 2003 - 11:04 a.m.


I had a four minute meeting.

Did you miss me?

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14 January 2003 - 10:39 a.m.

The Catholic Church has been covering up the crimes of pedophiles in this country for years, so who do they arrest?

Pee Wee Herman and Pete Townsend.

I have zero faith in the justice system.

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14 January 2003 - 7:50 a.m.

At the American Music Awards last night, which was apparrently a costume party, Elton John went dressed as Tim McGraw and Tim McGraw went dressed as Elton John.

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