Fact, Fiction, and Blatant Lies

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Streetshore Creative

02 January 2003 - 7:12 p.m.

I am faced with a blank, white sheet of paper.

Starting, now that's difficult.

A first gesture. A splash, a brush-stroke--anything.

The rest is just editing.

Art, life; two photographs taken a half-second apart--two adjacent frames of a cartoon.

And the rest is just an automated computer program filling in the spaces.

An algorithm based on a random first step.

The happy accident--the most important thing that has been squeezed from our lives.

There is no art more beautiful than the splashing of raindrops.

Our greatest minds have wasted their lives approximating beauty.

We cannot be of the earth because it is so alien to us.

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01 January 2003 - 10:59 a.m.

1. name: Gary

2. age: 32

3. mental age: either 23 or 52

4. three diaries you like: casperwoo, dura-luxe, javabill

5. your favorite quote from someone:
The eroded sculptures of canyons, cliffs and galaxies has imprinted upon me the certain knowledge that I am a mote.
-Frank Herbert, God Emperor of Dune

6. Simpsons or Schoolhouse Rock: Mmmmmmm, forbidden donut.

7. what book changed your life: I told You So by Rush Limbaugh. OK, I'm kidding. Maybe The Mind's Sky.

8. what is your favorite CD to have sex to: Music is too distracting. I've got work to do!

9. name 3 movies i should rent: Brazil, So I Married and Axe Murderer, Free Enterprise

10. paper or plastic: Paper feels more real.

11. are you a racist: No. Am I a bigot? . . .

12. is Elvis alive: He's recorded, so it doesn't matter.

13. what is your greatest fear: Getting a papercut on my eye. AAAGGHH! AAAAAAAAAAAGGHH!

14. name 3 people you would love to have dinner with:

15. what artist rocks your world: James Hendricks--a bit like Jackson Pollock but with joy, Matisse--"In the end there is only Matisse," Me.

16. do you like yourself: Abstractly, yes.

17. James Brown or Little Richard: Um, well. . . What's THAT over there!?

18. what is your epitaph: What the Fuck?

19. are you in love: Yes, often to the point of disgusting my friends.

20. what will you be doing in 10 years: Finishing up a process of aging for a decade.

21. what do you want someone to ask you: Would you like fries with that?

22. most underrated band or musician: Cyndi Lauper. You have to hear her new stuff. I can tell you the most overrated band: The Red Hot Chili Peppers.

23. anything else you want to say: Oh, fuck off!

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31 December 2002 - 2:34 p.m.

I'm leaving!

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31 December 2002 - 12:17 p.m.

You know what occurs to me? In my little missive for Tony below I called him a PC thug, and it occurs to me that the only people who use the term Political Correctness are conservatives complaining about percieved political correctness (the kind of person I was trying to sarcastically emulate).

The liberals stopped talking about it in the early nineties.

It seems to me that the liberal ideals have shifted away from political correctness and more toward a form of sovereign multiculturalism, wherein people are not only encouraged to maintain an ancestral or minority culture, but are frowned upon if they don't.

It seems to have developed into an absence of American-ness, when conservitivism is American-ness to the exclusion of everything else.

Why can't a black man wear traditional Kenyan garb and hang an American flag outside his house?

Is every culture so fundamentally incompatible with every other one.

Why can't I watch Seinfeld in French?

It's a bit like our mayor in Providence. He's a fairly conservative gay man, but he lost some votes from the gay community because he wasn't gay enough, whatever that means.

In other news I have purchased a 20 oz. bottle of Diet Vanilla Coke.




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31 December 2002 - 9:05 a.m.

We've already been cloning plants for the last thousand years. What's the big deal now?

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31 December 2002 - 8:28 a.m.

Wow, North Korea, man.

I've never seen an entire country, collectively lose it's mind all at once before.

OK, fine Tony. I should have said government instead of country. Are you happy now, you PC thug? ARE YOU?

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