Fact, Fiction, and Blatant Lies

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Streetshore Creative

30 December 2002 - 2:12 p.m.

Just remember, You can't say "success" without saying "suck" first.

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30 December 2002 - 1:52 p.m.

Oh, and at that reading last night, Tony gavy me the finger for no reason.

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30 December 2002 - 9:44 a.m.

It is time for you to go to gotpoetry.com.

Go now and sign up. Post messages. Read articles. Harass the webmaster.

Go on now. Discuss.

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30 December 2002 - 9:15 a.m.

Well, I've discovered why I've been so mopy for the past few days.

I have a cold. Oo, what a plot twist!

I got some of that new stuff that is supposed to reduce the severity and length of a cold. It looks like a nasal spray, but it's actually a gel and you have to squish it around inside your nose by pressing the sides of your nostrils together. It's weird, but it seems to be working. I stills have the headache and the delirium that I always get with a cold. Since i've been using the hand-sanitizer at work, I haven't been getting the secondary bacterial infections that I've always been susceptible to--the sore throats and the ear infections. Those were always the worst parts of the cold. Maybe I've finally found a solution.

Bill read at the Poets' Asylum Last night and put on a good show, which was especially refreshing because a lot of the open mic was self-serving, snobbish or just bad. Bill should have read his "What do I want." poem before the open mic. To over-simplify the poem: it says "quit being an asshole and write something meaningful or heartfelt."

I'm always surprised by who gets their ass kissed and who gets ignored.

But at least I have chocolate.

One of the best moments from the night was when John booed his own poetry reading.

I made it to work fifteen minutes early today, somehow. I don't get it. I didn't go especially fast or make more green lights or anything like that. It just seems random.

I'm a very scientific person, so when something different happens, I try to look for the thing that's different. There's nothing different. Everything is the same except that the trip took twenty per cent less time.

I don't know. I'm going to take a nap in my cube.

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