Fact, Fiction, and Blatant Lies

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Streetshore Creative

10 November 2003 - 9:38 p.m.

Melissa and I just saw Lost in Translation with Bill Murray, directed by Sofia Coppola at the Castle Cinema in Providence, RI.

What great movie.

It makes me optimistic that art is still achievable.

Don't expect to get any service at the cinema though (It's a dinner in the theater place). Finally about fifteen minutes into the movie someone asked me if I wanted anything. "No thanks. I'm watching the movie now."

This is why I don't believe in the recession. If this were a real recession, there would be qualified, responsible people lined up out the door to be wait-staff and management in this kind of place. Instead, there's one overworked waitress trying to take care of all three cinemas and the bar.

They must lose so much money from people like me who don't want to beg and plead for service like you have to at the Java Hut in Worcester. "Can I please have a coffee. Hello. Hello."

I wanted to get supper at the cinema. Instead we just used our free passes. Melissa bought some popcorn. So, instead of getting $25 out of us they got $3. I'd really like to support places like this, but I'm not getting on my hands and knees for the privelege of buying food there. It makes me want to go out to eat beforehand, just like at the Java Hut.

The key to a successful business used to be location, location, location. Now it's service, service, service.

Now, I don't expect to get my ass kissed, but basic courtesy and a little sense of urgency wouldn't hurt, and I'd dump a little less of my money at McDonald's and Dunkin Donuts, and a little more at the local places.

Ever feel like you're screaming into a sound-proof room?

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10 November 2003 - 10:01 a.m.

If you've ever wondered why I'm so frustrated all the time.

Over the past two or three months, I have bought no less that thirty (that's 3-0) pairs of socks.

As of now I have about eight complete pairs left as well as seven or eight unmated socks.

That's all.

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