Fact, Fiction, and Blatant Lies

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Streetshore Creative

12 July 2003 - 9:15 a.m.

For the last $^*#ing time, oil is fossilized PLANT material. It is NOT, repeat NOT made from dinosaurs.

Stop telling kids that oil is made from dinosaurs. It is not cute. It is incorrect.

And while we're at it, global warming is caused by excess carbon-dioxide in the air, not the hole in the ozone layer. The hole in the ozone layer is caused by chloroflourocarbons. They are UNRELATED problems. Yes, they are both caused by air-pollution, but they are caused by two totally unrelated forms of air-pollution. Global warming is caused by emissions from combustion engines. The hole in the ozone layer is caused by gases that used to be used in air-conditioners and aerosol cans.

This isn't advanced stuff people. This is sixth-grade science. Problem is, the sixth-grade science teachers taught it to us wrong because they thought we couldn't grasp the truth.

And another thing. Organisms do not decide to evolve. Evolution occurs due to random errors and changes in genetic code that happens over thousands and thousands of years. Adaptations are accidental. It's just that the better accidental adaptations tend to get to past on to offspring because they have a slightly better chance of not being EATEN before they can breed.

Also, if something happens, and someone asks, "what were the chances of that happening?" Well, if it's something that has already happened. The chances of it having happened are always 100% because it happened. If something occurs, then the state of the universe at that moment guaranteed an outcome. Now if you want to predict whether something will happen again, you can speak about odds which are less than 100%. Odds only apply to the future. The chances of the past happening the way it happened is always certain, unless you believe time-travel is possible, in which case, eat me.

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