Fact, Fiction, and Blatant Lies

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Streetshore Creative

30 June 2003 - 9:19 a.m.

Sunday morning we fought about stupid stuff because, evidently, we need to do that when I have something planned that I want to do.

Finally that was done with and she bought me a coffee.

I cleaned the filter in the goldfish pond.

We met Becky at her house and strapped a kayak to the roof of my car with cables and a blanket. I had to remove my car's radio antenna.

We drove to a lake in a park.

Dragonflies, warm water and small dome-shaped islands drifted around us as we floated.

I found a discarded turtle-egg.

I smelled like sun-screen.

Then, we strapped the boats back on to the cars, drove back to Becky's, dropped off the boats, and Melissa and I made a mad-dash back to Providence to meet up with her sisters to go to the beach.

Another chunk of time in the opposite direction and we were facing the sea. There were seven of us there. The mood was dark. I don't know why.

A skunk was scavenging on the beach. We could just barely see him.

Sunday, I restretched two paper canvases and painted.

I picked up Ed and went to practice for the Worcester Poetry Slam Team. We didn't practice.

Melissa called me at the practice. She didn't feel well. I was sick last week. I think we got the same stomach-bug. I told her where the Pepto Bismol was.

Ed and I went to the comic-book store. I bought a Manga graphic novel with a bunch of anime-girls in bathing suits on the cover. It reads right-to-left, just like the original Japanese version.

Then the Worcester Poets' Asylum at The Java Hut. They had a cover slam. I covered Zilla McCue in the first round. It went well.

I also covered Zilla in the second round. It didn't go well.

Oh, well.

We left later than I would've liked to, but made it home before midnight.

When I got up this morning, Melissa had already left to go to her summer landscaping job. I had some cereal, but the milk was bad. I poured a new bowl of cereal an put just a little half-and-half on it.

I put on toe-socks.

I drove to work.

I forgot my cel-phone.

Traffic was light.

I got a decaf French Vanilla coffee in the cafeteria.

I sat at my desk and typed this.

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