Fact, Fiction, and Blatant Lies

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Streetshore Creative

14 April 2003 - 12:49 p.m.

Syria is next on the President's hit list.

He's not even bothering to come up with a more creative reason against them. He's saying that Syria has weapons of mass destruction like Iraq was supposed to have.

I'm so sick of that phrase. It would be different if they actually FOUND some. Oh wait, it's operation Iraqi Freedom now isn't it.

Did you know that they had engineers in Iraq evaluating the oil wells before humanitarian aid got in? Think about that. And, there are a bunch of soldiers guarding and protecting the oil wells, but they feel no obligation to police the cities in Iraq where the people live.

I really hope when we start ramping up to war in Syria, Iran, Yemen and the rest of the Middle East, that the people in this country realize this administration really is war-obsessed.

When the three-year-olds in this country have lived through two wars, something is seriously wrong.

Even Ronald Reagan was able to accomplish things without resorting to war. Even the iron curtain came down with diplomacy and international and economic pressure. Of course, Regan was intelligent and articulate. I didn't agree with a lot of his policies and ideals, but at least he could express them.

Just remember this: GWB's approval ratings are up since the start of the war in Iraq, but they are still substantially lower than Bill Clinton's while he was being impeached.

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14 April 2003 - 12:40 p.m.

Today, I was driving behind a car that had a bumper sticker that said, "I'm an organ doner!"

Now, maybe it's just me, but I wouldn't go advertising that on the back end of my car.

I can just see someone trying to run me off the road and into a telephone pole because "little bobby needs a kidney."

I mean, yeah, I'm an organ doner, but I'm not an eager organ doner.

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