Fact, Fiction, and Blatant Lies

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Streetshore Creative

24 February 2003 - 4:28 p.m.

George Bush isn't going to be reelected.

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24 February 2003 - 3:08 p.m.

I find myself thinking about art--accidently like one finds quarters in last Spring's jacket.

I put it on and wonder if the people who laugh at my comedy listen to my poetry?

Is it worth listening to? Or is it just a noncommital hobby? Is it needlepoint? Nice, but average? Is it decoupage?

If I burned like Picasso, breathed flames and tried to ignite the world, would anyone notice, or would they reach for the fire-extinguisher and dampen me? Do I have permission to skydive or fester?

I am armored with essays and special effects, painted with the brightest neon colors and the most neutral grays, and have forgotten the richness and variation of brown. Or maybe it just doesn't fit in the specs any more.

I have become a series of rare explosions on the flattest and most empty expanse of land. I juggle pineapples and defused grenades and drop them on either side of former presidents when they ask me if I am registered to vote.

I do nothing, and I change nothing. I am screaming in Braille., and the ground is rushing toward me faster and faster.

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24 February 2003 - 11:10 a.m.

I had a surprise birthday party for Melissa last night. What a great night. There were tons of people. I was so happy so many people showed up. It's never all that easy to get people from all over Massachusetts and Rhode Island to end up in the same place.

Much thanks to everyone who came.

Man, the restaurant and our waitress was so good to us. They divided up desserts for us and gave us all individual plates for the appetizers. They even saved the chicken wings for us because they were going to run out before we got there otherwise. Man, those were good buffalo wings.

I took care of appetizers and soft-drinks for everyone, and if anyone wanted meals or drinks, that was up to them. At the end of the night when the bill came for the meals and drinks, there was exactly enough money to cover it. That's always a pleasant surprise when there's 25 people sharing a check.

We have the best friends.

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