Fact, Fiction, and Blatant Lies

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Streetshore Creative

18 November 2002 - 5:29 p.m.

Today has been a day of "do things you don't know how to do and worry because you don't know how to do them." There are things which I have no innate skills for, like inference and persuasion.

Give me a problem to solve and I'll solve it.

Expect me to know what you meant even though you didn't say what you meant, and forget it.

So much about business is nagging and aggressiveness. I just want to accomplish concrete tasks with a beginning and an end.

I hate the whole, "call what's-his-name and see if he knows because I don't have time to actually do my job" stuff.

What a sucky way to come back from vacation.

I'm so stuck.

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