Fact, Fiction, and Blatant Lies

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Streetshore Creative

16 September 2002 - 5:01 p.m.

OK, I'll say it.

Elections in Florida are fixed.

There, don't we all feel better?

I mean, come on.

There are two possibilities:

The system for counting votes in Florida is either corrupt or it is profoundly inept.

And I mean inept like dogs trying to build a semiconductor inept. Like crickets trying to solve a calculus problem inept.

I can just imagine them down there trying to count votes by screaming at them or setting them on fire, scratching their heads and saying, "uh, that didn't work," while water from a destroyed sink sprays up in the air and people wearing their pants inside-out and backwards fall down stairs and elevator shafts, and the theme music from Monty Python's Flying Circus plays over the intercom speakers which are hanging out of the charred walls.

You know, either that or it's corrupt.

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