Fact, Fiction, and Blatant Lies

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Streetshore Creative

16 May 2002 - 9:37 a.m.

Well, apparently the new Star Wars movie is pretty good.

From where do I draw this conclusion?

Go to Yahoo! movies and read the user reviews for the movie.

Compare the quality of the writing between the positive reviews and the negative reviews.

You'll find that most of the negative reviews look like they've been written by an angry, sixth-grade dropout.

And, man, some of the people who didn't like Attack of the Clones are really angry. I mean furious, and viciously vindictive. They want blood.

If you're this pissed off about a movie--any movie--then you need to seriously reevaluate your life and priorities.

There's a word for people who spend this much energy hating stuff like movies, music, and actors--LOSER!

However, Roger Ebert gave it a lukewarm review, and he is almost always a good indicator of how I'm going to feel about a movie.

We'll see.

I'm going to go see it tonight with my sexy woman.

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