Fact, Fiction, and Blatant Lies

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Streetshore Creative

09 May 2002 - 3:32 p.m.

I went to see Becky perform yesterday.

Two of the poems she performed ended with a sung line, and both times, the jazzy music echoing through the ceiling stopped just as she broke down the poems to the sung part.

She said she planned the whole thing.

I'm suspicious.

BTW for those who know Becky: How about "Baby come back" performed to a rock n' roll beat? Yep, that's what happened. The music was coming down through the ceiling from the band upstairs. It was almost like a dance remix, but with jazz rock n' roll, and Becky just instinctively went along with the beat. Incidently, that was one of the poems where the music stopped just as she sang the last line.

coincidence? I wonder.

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