Fact, Fiction, and Blatant Lies

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Streetshore Creative

17 April 2002 - 1:58 p.m.

Sunlight dripped down between the leaves of the trees.

She curled into an arabesque, her shoulders pushing up as the long, thin muscles of her abdomen arched forward.

His hands held her hips as the smooth, thin skin around his navel slid across the small of her back.

A pair of cut-off jean shorts hung around her left ankle and her panties rested on the cuff of her sock. Her calves tensed as she worked to hold her balance.

His toes flexed inside sandals, the arches of his feet pushed him higher.

His small bottom lip hung down as his mouth drew in quick, silent breaths.

She let out gasps, as surprising pulses of pleasure swept through her.

I'm sorry. Did I write that out loud?

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