Fact, Fiction, and Blatant Lies

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Streetshore Creative

18 March 2002 - 10:53 a.m.

As I drove to work this morning, the aerodynamic qualities of my car, along with the fact that it was snowing, produced a lump of slushy ice approximately six inches in diameter that danced across my rear window for about five minutes. It moved around like one of those toy trucks that has a sensor built in it that will allow it to follow a line drawn on a piece of paper.

I am so much more interested in the other aspects of my life right now, that it is becoming difficult to go to work each day.

I want to work on my book, my house, and my poetry. I just wish my life wasn't so expensive. i wish I was a better salsman so I could do freelance work. I need an agent.

An agent of EVIL!

OK maybe just unscrupulousness.

We went to the Worcester Poets' Asylum reading last night. We had fun. Rachel Hyman performed. She was pretty good. I've never seen sneakers quite that yellow before.

We went to Wickford Village also. It's a lot like Newport, but smaller. I really enjoy these town centers on the water with shops and diners and stuff.

I bought a fleece shirt. It looks just a long sleeve T-shirt with three buttons at the neck.

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