Fact, Fiction, and Blatant Lies

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Streetshore Creative

20 August 2003 - 12:17 p.m.

So, I'm on this version of the Atkin's diet in an attempt to undo some of the damage caused by sitting in front of a computer for three years. You know the scenario: no carbohydrates for a couple of weeks and then a move toward a more balanced diet.

So, after dropping Melissa off this morning to meet her ride to work, I decided to go to McDonald's to see if there was anything there I could eat. They had this breakfast that came with scrambled eggs and sausage. It also came with a biscuit, but I figured I just wouldn't eat that part.

I got it home and ate the eggs and sausage and was drinking my coffee. I took a bite out of the biscuit and threw the rest away away. I figure it was just a little bit, and having a tiny bit here and there is better than just losing it and eating a box of twinkies.

Later on I was cleaning up the living room a little and went to throw some trash out. I placed a couple of wrappers and a napkin in the canister. And, at that moment I saw the remains of the biscuit in the barrel.

Well, the rest is somewhat of a blur. All I remember is this primal hunting urge coming over me. Then I have flashes of shaking my head llike a shark when it's trying to tear a chunk off of its prey.

And a guttural sound like RRBRBRBBRBRrbrbbrbrrrrr.

Next thing I know, I'm covered in garbage, the kitchen is strewn with trash, and I feel very satisifed.

The cats are looking at me from under the table with WIDE eyes. And, for some reason, there is goat's blood on my chin.

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