Fact, Fiction, and Blatant Lies

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Streetshore Creative

20 March 2003 - 9:41 a.m.

Stop telling me that I should just "shut up" now because the decision to go to war has been made.

I suppose the conservatives in this country are going to support affirmative action or abortion rights because the "decision has been made."

There is no statute of limitations on free speech.

Having said that, I bear no ill will toward the soldiers involved. I firmly believe that if you sign up, you have a responsibility to follow orders and do you your job. Honor is in the promises kept, not in the motives of the commander-in-chief.

I am encouraged by the efforts being made to get civilians and even Iraqi soldiers out of the way.

I do not agree with or trust the motives of this war.

However, this war can be executed honorably, and should be, and I believe that it will by those on the ground and in harm's way.

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