Fact, Fiction, and Blatant Lies

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Streetshore Creative

10 February 2003 - 9:56 a.m.

So I was in the Worcester Poetry Slam last night.

In the first round I got a 28.0. One of the judges gave me a 10.

In the second round I got a perfect score. All five judges scored me 10s. (They drop the high and low scores, so I got a 30.)

So how did I do in the competition you ask?

I came in 4th place out of eight competitors.

I scored six 10s in two rounds of competition, and I came in 4th place.

The judges gave out thirty-two 10s last night.


One guy in the Slam got a 0 from one judge and a 9.9 from another judge.

We really just should have stopped recording the scores after the first round.

Thirty-two 10s.

Welcome everybody. It's the moot slam!

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