Fact, Fiction, and Blatant Lies

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Streetshore Creative

25 November 2002 - 12:15 p.m.

I find myself becoming very pessimistic about the new Star Trek movie. I consider myself a fan, but I've never worn a costume to a convention, although I think I would like to go to a convention especially if I could see William Shatner or Leonard Nimy.

I fear that Star Trek fans have ruined Star Trek..

Now, I'm not claiming that Star Trek is great art, but it used to tackle some social issues about tolerance and understanding of other people and cultures, at least in a pop-culture kind of way.

Now, so many Trekkies spend so much time hating certain characters that I think the most important appeal of the franchise is gone.

Star Trek was the first show that had female officers on TV, but now if you mention one of the female characters to a Trekkie, their eyes turn red and they really get pissed off.

Dr. Crusher is a good character, and so is Deanna Troi, but if they're given an important role in one of the movies the Trekkies just about boycott the film.

Another example is Wesley Crusher. He was a secondary character from The Next Generation. He shot a cameo for the new movie and the fans were so incenced that the studio was forced to cut him from the movie. I think Woopie Goldberg's role may have survived the cut, but I'm sure that a bunch of dip-shits are in a knot about that too.

I have a feeling the new movie is going to be completely stripped of any value and we'll be left with a hollow film about explosions which is specifically tailored not to offend a bunch of stifled, angry, 30-45 year old nerds who hate women.

And in other, extraordinarily disturbing news:

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