Fact, Fiction, and Blatant Lies

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Streetshore Creative

04 November 2002 - 9:26 a.m.

I am only gaining weight to reach critical mass, to sustain my own nuclear reaction, to burn like a sun for a billion years.

I am searching for the correct formula, for the emotion that makes joy seem shalow. I am falling forever, faced with eternity to learn to fly. Darwin was close, but we must be descended from birds. Why else would so many people dream about flying?

I wonder why none of us dream about supernovas. We all have burned at millions of degrees. We have churned in the bellies of exploding stars, been spread across light-years in the silky tendrils of nebulae, and experienced metamorphoses beyond the understanding of tadpoles.

We have fulfilled the ambitions of alchemists and astronauts.

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