Fact, Fiction, and Blatant Lies

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Streetshore Creative

28 October 2002 - 9:04 a.m.

While rearranging some furniture yesterday, I picked up a box and caught ny hand on a staple.

Sticky red pooled in my hand, but I was busy, so I let it bleed. After a few seconds it clotted and I bagan to leave lighter handprints on everything I touched.

When everything was where I wanted it to be, I washed my hand and swabbed it with hydrogen peroxide. It stung so much I nearly yelled, My eyes teared up and I nearly bit through my lip, but the wound was clean and not bleeding any more. The sting faded.

You can still see it. It's a tiny red mark near the base of my first finger. I can hardly believe that it bled so much.

I think I'm going to stop worrying about cutting myself and just keep good first-aid stuff around.

We spend too much time trying to not leave footprints.

Scars are just a byproduct of existing--just proof I was there.

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