Fact, Fiction, and Blatant Lies

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Streetshore Creative

09 September 2002 - 9:48 a.m.

Tom Christenson has survived for one year with an artificial heart.

You know, there really are days when I think the future is going to be more like Star Trek: The Next Generation and less like The Road Warrior.

Don't roll your eyes. The original Star Trek series had a huge influence on our culture today: cel-phones, the space shuttle, medical diagnostic beds, etc.

In fact, we've done better than Star Trek predicted. We were supposed to have had a nuclear war by the early nineties.

Now, I'm not one of these people who views Star Trek as a religion or a prophecy, but sometimes a hopeful vision of the future is what's necessary to bring about that future.

My Summer Budget - 9/8/02
Activity Time
Rollerbladed on the East Bay Bike Path with Melissa while she rode her bike 1:00

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