Fact, Fiction, and Blatant Lies

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Streetshore Creative

04 September 2002 - 2:58 p.m.

Ferns and filtered sunlight brush against the black material of my pants.

One frog, One snake. It's a safari on my lunch break.

I slide down the path like I'm on inline skates chasing a fat dragonfly around the parking lot.

ZzzzzZZzzzZzzzzzzZZzz. . .

What do they see through so many lenses. Do they wonder why I chase them? Do they notice?

Could I eat one if I had too?

Mushrooms are suburbs of the forest. They spin and spiral, almost perfectly still, like a photograph of a thunderstorm--like compressed springs.

Today, summer is like a vigorous old man, about whom one might say, "what a life he had."

The present viewed in the past tense too early.

Summer roars, blows back your hair, startles your eyes, and in a powerful baritone hurls the words, "NO. NOT YET!" and pours a July's worth of heat and humidity down upon us.

We crank up air-conditioners and fantasize about frozen drinks and the smell of sun-tan oil.

This is the last minute before a lightning storm.

There will be steam and puddles and concentric waves racing from rain drops.

And there will be me,

soaked like a big yellow dog at a lake on a camping trip.

I'm going to wear my sandals until I get frost-bite.

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