Fact, Fiction, and Blatant Lies

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Streetshore Creative

19 August 2002 - 1:30 p.m.

So here I am. I have a spot of white paint on my green shirt (actually, there's paint on all my shirts, but this is now.)

Two slices of pepperoni pizza occupy a white tray-box on my desk--OK, one now. Two thirds of a twenty ounce bottle of Diet Coke waits patiently to inspire burping in me.

Tabasco sauce seeps into the remaining pizza slice. I can smell it--like vinegar and fire.

I hear the sounds of voices around me. They are muffled by carpet and cubicle walls.

Sparks of fake insanity flare up occasionally for dramatic or funny effect--whispered screams and head-shaking.

We are rollerblading on Wednesday if the temperature is favorable. Sandy will fall on her ass. Again.

I have a small bump on my gums near one of my molars. An abscess? I hope not.

Last month, Melissa turned to me and said, "what would happen if hamsters could sing?"

Not, "imagine if. . ." or, "wouldn't it be funny if. . ." but "what would happen if. . ."

I would argue that the consequences of the singing of hamsters has not been considered very often.

I swear to god, our hamster's name is Nuculer Punkin-- like "nuclear pumpkin" but intentionally pronounced wrong.

I once heard the head of the NRC say nuculer. I almost cried.

Bob Ross painted the sky today, but not the trees. The trees came from an HO scale train set.

I really want a new car.

I should do some work.

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