Fact, Fiction, and Blatant Lies

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Streetshore Creative

06 August 2002 - 10:09 a.m.

I have a hole in my t-shirt, just above and to left (my right) of my belly-button.

I need new t-shirts. I think I'm going to ask for them for Christmas and my birthday.

I have to make sure no one gets me white shirts however. I look like I have the flu when I wear white. Yellow too.

I haven't seen my friend Dave in months. I wonder where he is. Dave--you out there?

I have to pick up some of those furniture slider disks on my way home so I can push the refrigerator back into place without damaging the floor. (We're painting the floor.)

I hope painting the floor works. We're using enamel paint especially made for floors, so if it's going to work at all, at least we used the right materials.

I'd like to tile the floor, but it's just too expensive right now. Luckily, Melissa got a new job so we're not screwed, but it's going to be a little tight for the next couple of months.

I'm going for a bike ride on the bike trail in Providence tonight. Anyone else want to go?

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