Fact, Fiction, and Blatant Lies

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Streetshore Creative

21 June 2002 - 2:48 p.m.

Well, the far-right is beginning to drum up their "homosexuality is against family-values" bullshit again.

Oh sure, homosexuality is against family-values, but the furthering of a prejudice which results in the majority of teen suicides is just fine.

Why don't you put that statistic under your pillow with all your pro-life propoganda?

Once again, the republicans got into office by promising to lower taxes, and all they end up doing is trying to ban abortion, isolate gays, and force kids to pray in school.

I tell you what, you can have prayer in schools if we can teach evolution in churches.

Why can't the conservatives in this country just focus on defense, taxes, and the economy? Why do they always have to stick their noses in everyone's pants.

Eww. Now THAT would be against family values.

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