Fact, Fiction, and Blatant Lies

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Streetshore Creative

12 June 2002 - 3:29 a.m.

A while back I wrote an entry about Richard Reid's (The guy with plastic explosives in his shoes who tried to blow up a trans-atlantic flight.) laywer. He was arguing that his client couldn't be charged with "trying to destroy a vehicle of mass-transportation" because a plane is not a vehicle.

I asked, if it's not a vehicle, what is it? A ham sandwich?

Well, the charge was thrown out today because the judge agreed that an airplane is not a vehicle.

So the next time you fly, remember that you are not traveling in a vehicle, and enjoy flying in your ham sandwich.

Ours is the stupidest judicial system in the whole world.

They'll probably give him a visa and hire a translator to help him fill out welfare forms so he can get public-assistance housing.

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