Fact, Fiction, and Blatant Lies

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Streetshore Creative

10 June 2002 - 9:40 a.m.

You know what the thing is?

If the Gulf War had never happened, and we hadn't put sanctions on Iraq, they would've still attacked the World Trade Center and said, "That's for doing nothing to help us."

We're like a daycare center for troubled youths.

They lash out when we help.

They lash out when we walk away.

All Saddam Hussein has to do to get the sanctions lifted is allow the UN Inspectors to confirm that he is not building biological weapons and nuclear bombs.

Why are none of the militant Muslims angry at Saddam hussein? Why didn't they fly a 767 into a building in Baghdad?

There comes a point when you say, "If we can do nothing right, we may as well do nothing at all."

Oops, gotta go. Yassar Arafat, the president of Egypt, and the prince of Saudi Arabia are on the phone demanding our help.

They aren't asking for our help. They are demanding our help, like we owe it to them.

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