Fact, Fiction, and Blatant Lies

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Streetshore Creative

29 May 2002 - 12:15 p.m.

So they've decided that now when we lay out a page it has to be perfect for the first draft. No spelling errors or typographical errors. No misalignments. No missing art, no placeholders. You get the idea.

Now realize that approximately 15-25% of the items and offers will change, and that product managers and the upper management will rrearrange and relayout about 50% of the pages and items.

So now instead of spending a short amount of time to produce a product which will be up to 60% changed anyway, we now have to spend a large amount of time to produce a product which will be changed around an equal amount.

And all the people who were responsible for checking and proofreading have now shifted that responsibility to low-level lackies like me.

Did I mention also that the deadlines have been shortened?




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