Fact, Fiction, and Blatant Lies

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Streetshore Creative

19 March 2002 - 2:07 p.m.

I finally won a good ebay auction last night. It was for something I would have gladly paid $100 for. I got it for $11.52. I placed my bid 3 seconds before the auction ended. I almost missed it. I forgot that you have to review, and then place your bid. I intended to place my bid about 20 seconds before the auction ended. Whoops! Actually it worked out really well because someone else placed a bid 30 seconds before it ended. If mine had gone in when I expected it too, the other guy would've had time to counter-bid. I sniped him. Hee hee.

Now I need to create a 58"x40" frame for my prize.

And, I'm not going to twll you what it was. NYAH!

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